How to attract talent when location is no longer a differentiator

With the shift to remote work, employee experience and culture are crucial to attracting and retaining talent. Here's how to stand out.

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Why mentoring is more critical than ever

During the pandemic, mentoring programs have been helping organizations continue to deepen their adaptive capabilities, even within organizations that have an established expectation of disruption. 

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FlexJobs CEO Sara Sutton on Flexibility and the Future of Work

FlexJobs CEO Sara Sutton shares her views and insights on the Future of Work and offers recommendations on implementing flexible schedules.

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How organizations can help support working parents

Working parents are not okay. Leaders need to take bold and innovative actions to keep parents in the workforce. 

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Now is the time to acquire top talent

“Today, we’ve got the greatest opportunity that we are going to have for decades to snag a boatload — not a busload, but a boatload — of great people.”

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27% of parents plan to leave the workforce. This is a big deal.

Now is the opportunity for leaders to take actions that will transform the workplace and the organization to support working parents and create a culture that will accelerate, rather than [...]

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Reinventing the water cooler – and why it matters

The “water cooler effect” helps create and foster social bonds, drive innovation, align on truths, and even helps the bottom line. As humans, our need for social connection is innate. [...]

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8 Ways Leaders Can Engage and Support Their Remote Teams – and be a more human leader

How leaders can engage and support their remote teams for the long haul.

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To energize and transform your organization, ask questions and seek input

“By leveraging this moment to explore, experiment, and learn, organizations and their community stakeholders have a unique opportunity to redefine the scope of their priorities and collective actions."

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Plan, then adjust

In a “normal” environment, agile strategy gives the organization a competitive edge. In an environment that forces agility, such as the one we are in, the strategy (and the organization) becomes [...]

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