Three Ways to Energize Your Organization

An energized, engaged, committed, and insistent organization is remarkable, and possibly unstoppable. Here are three things you can do to energize your organization.

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Stress and decreased engagement are just two reasons we need to stop scheduling back-to-back meetings

Back-to-back meetings need to stop. A new study shows they are causing fatigue and stress, and negatively impacting engagement and focus. 

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Social connection is a leadership priority. Here’s why.

Social connection impacts trust, productivity, engagement, and job satisfaction, and anchors teams in times of complexity. Whether your team is in-person, remote, or both, fostering social [...]

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How to build resilience when you are feeling tapped out

Feeling tapped out? Here's how to build your personal resilience so you can help cultivate your team's resilience.

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27% of parents plan to leave the workforce. This is a big deal.

Now is the opportunity for leaders to take actions that will transform the workplace and the organization to support working parents and create a culture that will accelerate, rather than [...]

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Reinventing the water cooler – and why it matters

The “water cooler effect” helps create and foster social bonds, drive innovation, align on truths, and even helps the bottom line. As humans, our need for social connection is innate. [...]

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