Do you think culture and collaboration require an office? Think Again

While there is the recognition that the great work-from-home experiment effective, there is also the belief that it hurt organizational culture and belonging and that it does not support [...]

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Q&A with Judy Ingalls

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10 inspirational videos on leadership

10 inspirational videos on leadership. Insights and knowledge that will help leaders to learn, grow, and lead.

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Mastering the Hybrid Workplace

Success in the next normal requires mastery of the hybrid workplace. It requires leaders to manage technology, discussion, and information.

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Zen and The Art of Diversity and Inclusion: Lessons Learned from the Appalachian Trail

In my work with corporate leaders on diversity and inclusion, I often think back to my experience (and lessons learned) hiking the Appalachian Trail.

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31 books on leadership and change

Recent publications and books that have stood the test of time - 31 essential reads on leadership and change for your library.

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How to attract talent when location is no longer a differentiator

With the shift to remote work, employee experience and culture are crucial to attracting and retaining talent. Here's how to stand out.

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27% of parents plan to leave the workforce. This is a big deal.

Now is the opportunity for leaders to take actions that will transform the workplace and the organization to support working parents and create a culture that will accelerate, rather than [...]

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Rules of Engagement: Establishing Ground Rules to Build High Performing Teams

Effectively using ground rules is an essential underpinning of high performing teams. High performing teams know how to work well together. They support each other, hold each other accountable [...]

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