Succession Planning
Bring Your Best Talent Forward to Meet the Future
Poorly managed S&P 500 CEO and C-suite transitions result in annual losses of close to $1 trillion. Strong and smart succession planning can increase company valuations and investor returns by 20% to 25%.
Better succession planning means creating a plan well before an organization thinks it is necessary. We work with clients to identify critical positions in the organization, assess and summarize critical individual and aggregate skills that are table stakes for success, identify and develop talent, and get the right people in the right roles at the right time.
We partner with leaders to create targeted development plans that speak to future business needs, help identify high-potential leaders for inclusion in succession processes, conduct talent review processes in partnership with our client’s internal HR and leadership professionals, as appropriate, and incorporate our DEI and Unconscious Bias expertise to proactively manage potential biases in succession planning.