Just one Moment: Mindfulness for Busy Leaders

By Kate Lee

Mindfulness offers an opportunity for us to spend less time in unproductive states of mind and helps us to return to the present moment, just as it is, without judgment. Returning to the present moment is a kind of remembering; remembering where we are, what our aspirations, intentions, and commitments are, and remembering how we want to be in a relationship with others.

Brimstone Senior Partner Jeremy Seligman is a former corporate executive with an extensive background and experience as an organizational development specialist and executive coach. A longtime practitioner of mindfulness and meditation, Jeremy is a certified Mindfulness and Meditation Teacher, certified by UC Berkeley’s Greater Good Science Center, Sounds True, and the Awareness Training Institute.

In Just One Moment: Mindfulness for Busy Leaders, Jeremy shares why mindfulness can be valuable and effective for leaders and how leaders can bring mindfulness into their lives and into their work.

Just One Moment: Mindfulness for Busy Leaders


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